Quelqu'un utilise des puces Actel/Microsemi ?

En avant-première du CHES 2012 en sept. à Louvain, deux chercheurs britanniques ont publié : Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military chip (DRAFT of 05 March 2012) Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military

/"As a result we were able to locate and exploit undocumented backdoor in the Actel ProASIC3 chip positioned as industry's highest security device. To our knowledge this is the first documented case of a backdoor inserted in real world device with critical applications. Not only can a poorly protected AES key be extracted from the PA3 chips in no time and with minimal effort, but the Passkey which was believed to be unbreakable and which was robust against DPA attacks can also be extracted.[...]/

Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military ch /Those products include, but are not limited to: Igloo, Fusion and Smartfusion. The PA3 is heavily marketed to the military and industry and resides in some very sensitive and critical products. From Google searches alone we have found that the PA3 is used in military products such as /*weapons, guidance, flight control, networking and communication*/s. In industry it is used in /*nuclear power plants, power distribution, aerospace, aviation, public transport and automotive products*/. /*This permits a new and disturbing possibility of a large scale Stuxnet-type attack via a network or the Internet on the silicon itself. */If the key is known, commands can be embedded into a worm to scan for JTAG, then to attack and reprogram the firmware remotely. The backdoor is close to impossible to fix on chips already deployed because, unlike software bugs in a PC Operating System, you cannot issue a patch to fix this. Instead one has to replace all the hardware which could be extremely expensive. /"

Extrait de www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sps32/*Silicon*_*scan*_*draft*.pdf

@+, Dom

Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military ch Le 01/08/12 14:40, Adrien Pestel a écrit :
Show must go on :

Le 31 juillet 2012 16:07, <ivan.meseg...@free.fr> a écrit :

Pour ceux et celles d'entre vous qui auraient raté la réponse coté Huawei
et ZTE


Ivan Diego

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