For what it's worth I like to report in the newsletter on activity on
bugs and feature requests. I wrote a BASH script which is *very* crude
and retrieves the numbers I need from the BTS. What I want to do is to
automate this as much as possible.
My ideas so far are that I could have the following steps automated:
1. The BASH script runs defined queries against the BTS and the result
is a series of numbers, one per line. Perhaps these could be
redirected to a file.
2. I could run another script which looks through a file containing
fixed text, but with placeholders, and replaces each of placeholder
with the numbers from the file previously created.
The fixed text might look something like this:

Activity   Bug    Feature Request
Opened   {{1}}  {{2}}
Close      {{3}} {{4}}

The input file might look something like this:


And the end result would be:
Activity   Bug    Feature Request
Opened   64      23
Close      18      34

Can anyone suggest tools I might use to achieve this result? I was
thinking that perhaps BASH and sed might be a good start?

Constructive suggestions are welcome. :)

May you always be Frugal,

Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz)
Frugalware-devel mailing list

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