On 2011.05.20. 1:28, Miklos Vajna wrote:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 02:21:23PM +1000, Russell 
Dickenson<russelldicken...@gmail.com>  wrote:
My ideas so far are that I could have the following steps automated:
1. The BASH script runs defined queries against the BTS and the result
is a series of numbers, one per line. Perhaps these could be
redirected to a file.
Hm, IroNiQ: is it possible to differentiate between feature requests and
bugs in event log?

For example this lists tasks opened in the last week:


But it won't show the task type.
The report is coming from the history table, not from the task table. The history does not store the task type. But there is a left join in the sql query, i was able to add a "where" clause to check the task type if given. If the task type is not given, everything is requested. Just add '&ttype=1' for the bugs and '&ttype=2' for the feature requests...

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