On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 03:01:37PM +0100, Exceed <cedric.archamb...@gmail.com> 
> I need some help on the subject, sorry if it's long, but I have to explain.

Bouleetbil? Sounds like a pam issue, see below.

> 2) The fine way: using pam to auto-affect logged user to a (RT) cgroup
> I guess we need pam_systemd 
> (http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/pam_systemd.html)
> Before systemd/RT_GROUP_SCHED, I used to access RT capabilities this way :
> - In /etc/pam.d/gdm : session required pam_limits.so
> - Create /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf and adding somethings like 
> this : @audio  -       rtprio  90
> With pam_systemd, I should edit /etc/pam.d/system.auth and add :
> session     optional    pam_loginuid.so
> -session     optional    pam_systemd.so kill-user=1

Please avoid kill-user=1 by default. That would mean if you log in via
ssh and start irssi in screen and log out, it gets killed. I can imagine
this is useful in some setups, but we certainly don't want it as

> So, this way, I guess there is some configuration files to add to 
> systemd. But what/wich/how?
> Sorry for these noob-systemd questions...

It's not noob at all. I also noticed that systemd-cgls shows that all
my KDE processes are under prefdm.service (which starts kdm), which is

So I added 'session    required     pam_systemd.so' to /etc/pam.d/kde,
and now my KDE processes are under systemd/user/vmiklos instead of

Now my PAM knowledge is rather limited, but it would be nice if we could
add that line to all (ssh/console/kde/etc) configs - and then that
should solve the problem of Exceed and of systemd-cgls as well.


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