   Hey everyone! This Feb 12th the labor committee will hold a public
   hearing on the Maine fair trade legislation. If passed LD 1815 will
   establish a state commission to gather information, hold public
   hearings and make recommendations to congressional and trade officials
   on how free trade policies effect Maine's economy and laws - ah la the
   FTAA, CAFTA etc... what can we as a delegation do to strengthen the
   passage of the bill:--1. Being present at the hearing, either with
   testimony, or without: we need to make a showing that demonstrates the
   interest in the legislation, and the intention the public has to be
   involved in the participatory democracy this bill proposes. -2. Written
   testimony: (Also if youre present at the hearing, bring a written copy
   of your testimony if you have preprepared remarks) If you can't be
   present, send written testimony   with someone who's going in. We have
   a unique perspective from being on the El Salvador delegation, and we
   come from many different experiences and perspectives in our individual
   work in this state. Any bit any of us could add to the conversation
   would be valuable. We could talk about privatization, migration, the
   effect on labor and environmental situations on both sides of this
   country's borders... We can talk from our perspectives as people
   working in the medical profession, on the environment, from working
   with low income Mainers, union perspective and of course just our
   concern and solidarity as human beings...of course I don't need to tell
   any of you this! -3. Calls and postcards to legislators on the labor
   committee - I can get that info to people if needed. -4. we have cards
   for small businesses to fill out in support of the legislation and info
   to hand out - besides me, you could contact Jack McCay 947 4203 on that
   as well. I canbe reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 326
   8263. I will be gone from this friday to monday - but Jack or Matt, or
   others...can be contacted. Let me know what you think! In solidarity
   and love , MEREDITH
Hi folks –


The public hearing for our legislation – the Maine Jobs, Trade, & Democracy
Act (LD 1815)– is set for:

Labor Committee
most likely 1pm

We need a HUGE TURNOUT for this hearing. It is key that we send a loud and
clear message that we want this legislation to pass.  Mark your calendars,
spread the word, & plan to come to Augusta on February 12!!!!!!

PLEASE RSVP if you can come to the public hearing on FEBRUARY 12.

Our goal is to get:

100 people out to the public hearing
100 businesses signed on in support of our legislation &
500 postcards mailed in to Senators, Representatives & the Labor committee in
support of LD 1815.

Please stay tuned – Much more information will be coming along shortly.

For a fair trade future,

PS - We had a very spirited & productive statewide meeting today with 25
people present in Augusta. Notes from that meeting will be coming shortly.

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