On 10/31/07, David Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No worries :-)
> >
> > I had evaluated av solutions for a university and found out
> > that McAfee Virex did not detect windows viruses.
> :) That's right, or was when I last administered AV for Macs.
<survey of mine was in 2005>

> Strangely
> enough, the Dr Solomon's Mac product that McAfee acquired but ran down did,
> IIRC, detect BSVs, but that function was never migrated to Virex.

Well its a hard sell: scanning a mac for the hundreds of known malware
vs. scanning a mac for 100's of knowns that can affect the OS, plus
the 66k that can't.


<Dude, Channeling Mr Ovbvoius>
Also the cost to buy the talent required to find malware on mac vs
windows costs the same, but returns less.
</end Dude, Channeling Mr Obvious>

> Of
> course, I'm old and feeble, and may have misremembered some of this stuff.
> ;-)

As long as the viri dont get my Tapioca, its all good... :-)

gindduP sekiL --> http://tinyurl.com/6p3l4 <-- Likes Pudding

> > I thought
> > this was just standard operating procedure for AV, as
> > scanning every OS for every virus might be too CPU intensive
> > for an app.
> Most Windows AV doesn't check for Mac stuff, though most detect some *n*x
> stuff. But some of the vendors with a Mac product do, or did. Sophos and
> Symantec used to, and probably still do, but it's a while since I needed to
> check these things.

I was disappointed as lots of users with mac's would scan on a mac and
then think a file was safe to share. Still the bigger disappointment
was that the GDI vulns might have been detected if they had done what
the VX'ers had and ported some exploits (detection) from unix to

If I could just help convince one RBN engineer to code and backport
more malware to be cross platform in order to help out with AV-ROI
like this nice fellow: http://tinyurl.com/3x6mqg, we might live in a
better world.

-JP<after grabbing his coat and leaving, has to return for his galoshes >
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