Thanks for the feedback. We will do our best to address any issues you have. Feel free to contact Support if we are unable to sort these out on the list.

Meanwhile, here are some comments:

1) After I have exported a Postcard from InDesign and prepared the card, I click on "Compose" and Acrobat 7.0 immediately crashes and quits. This has
happened consistently since I upgraded. When I reopen Acrobat and the
Variable postcard and compose, everything seems ok.

Before you export, is Acrobat already open? Just curious. What version of InDesign?

2) In FusionPro, after I have mapped the variable address, I click on
Preview. When I click on "longest" it does not respond. Everything else in
Preview is ok, but the "longest"  button is not working at all.

Make sure you have one of the rows in the preview selector selected before you hit longest. It should be highlighted once its selected.

3) In FusionPro, when I am ready to print, I select "Single-File vps",
then I select the "Input" and "Output" settings. When I click on
"Graphics" and go back to "Output", the output format has reverted back to
"PDF".  It does this every time.

I was able to reproduce this.

Regards, Brian

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