I need a rule that will call for different formatting if a country code is
used verses +1. The default would be US with the +1 XXX XXX XXXX If the +1
is false then return  +XX XX XXXX XXXX. I did do a little research about
phone formatting for different countries and saw that different countries
format differently. I found this rule for a front page plug in. Is there
something similar that I can use?

Dawn McAtee Wheeler
Ideal Printers, Inc.
Fax 713-880-8875


 * Smarty plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Type:      modifier
 * Name:      phone_format
 * Purpose:      Format a phone number according to the country's format
 * @author      Philippe Jausions/11abacus.com
(Philippe.Jausions-at-11abacus.com) (Lead)
 * @author      Mark Thompson/burodefunk.com (mark-at-burodefunk.com)
 * @copyright (c) 2003-2006 by Philippe Jausions/11abacus.com
 * @date      2003-11-04
 * @version      0.1.1 (2006-02-28) - MT
 * Known issues:
 *    - Phone extensions information could be handled better
 *         (by not modifying them at all)
 * Change history:
 *    - v0.1: First release (PhJ - 2003-11-04)
 *    - v0.1.1: Added UK support (MT - 2006-02-28)
 * Supported country phone formats:
 *    - CA: Canada   (v0.1)
 *    - FR: France   (v0.1)
 *    - AI: Anguilla (v0.1)
 *    - AG: Antigua/Barbuda (v0.1)
 *    - BS: Bahamas  (v0.1)
 *    - BB: Barbados (v0.1)
 *    - BM: Bermuda  (v0.1)
 *    - CA: Canada   (v0.1)
 *    - KY: Cayman Islands (v0.1)
 *    - DM: Dominica (v0.1)
 *    - DO: Dominican Republic (v0.1)
 *    - GD: Grenada     (v0.1)
 *    - GU: Guam         (v0.1)
 *    - JM: Jamaica     (v0.1)
 *    - MS: Montserrat (v0.1)
 *    - MP: Northern Mariana Islands (v0.1)
 *    - PR: Puerto Rico (v0.1)
 *    - KN: Saint Kitts and Nevis (v0.1)
 *    - LC: Saint Lucia (v0.1)
 *    - VC: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (v0.1)
 *    - TT: Trinidad and Tobago       (v0.1)
 *    - TC: Turks and Caicos Islands (v0.1)
 *    - US: United States of America (v0.1)
 *    - VG: Virgin Islands (British) (v0.1)
 *    - VI: Virgin Islands (U.S.)       (v0.1)
 *    - UK: United Kingdom (v0.1)
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
function smarty_modifier_phone_format($sPhone, $sCountry = 'US',
$bInternationalFormat = false)
    if (empty($sPhone)
    || !trim($sPhone)) {
        return $sPhone;

    // Supported list of country phone format
    // Country code => International phone code
    $aCountries = array(
        'CA' => '1',                        // Canada
        'FR' => '33',                        // France
        'AI' => '1-264',                    // Anguilla
        'AG' => '1-268',                    // Antigua/Barbuda
        'BS' => '1-242',                    // Bahamas
        'BB' => '1-246',                    // Barbados
        'BM' => '1-441',                    // Bermuda
        'CA' => '1',                        // Canada
        'KY' => '1-345',                    // Cayman Islands
        'DM' => '1-767',                    // Dominica
        'DO' => '1-809',                    // Dominican Republic
        'GD' => '1-473',                    // Grenada
        'GU' => '1-671',                    // Guam
        'JM' => '1-876',                    // Jamaica
        'MS' => '1-664',                    // Montserrat
        'MP' => '1-670',                    // Northern Mariana Islands
        'PR' => array('1-787', '1-939'),    // Puerto Rico
        'KN' => '1-869',                    // Saint Kitts and Nevis
        'LC' => '1-758',                    // Saint Lucia
        'VC' => '1-784',                    // Saint Vincent and the
        'TT' => '1-868',                    // Trinidad and Tobago
        'TC' => '1-649',                    // Turks and Caicos Islands
        'US' => '1',                        // United States of America
        'VG' => '1-284',                    // Virgin Islands (British)
        'VI' => '1-340',                    // Virgin Islands (U.S.)
        'UK' => '44'                        // United Kingdom

    if (!isset($aCountries[$sCountry])) {
        return $sPhone;

    // Get rid of parenthesis, dashes, plus and dot signs,
    // then remove any spaces before numbers,
    // and remove duplicate "white spaces".
    $sFormatted = str_replace(array('+', '(', ')', '-', '.', '/'), '',
    $sFormatted = preg_replace(array('/\s+([0-9])/', '/\s+/'), array('\1', '
'), $sFormatted);
    list($sFormatted, $sExt) = explode(' ', $sFormatted, 2);

    $iLen = strlen($sFormatted);
    $iCountryCode = $aCountries[$sCountry];

    // Deal with the primary phone number part based on the country
    switch ($sCountry) {
    /* case 'CA': See 'US' */

    case 'FR':
        // International format: +33 (0)1 23 45 67 89
        // National format: (0)1 23 45 67 89
        // Toll number format: 0800 12 34 56
        //                        08 36 12 34 56
        switch ($iLen) {
            case 10:
                // Numeros Vert, Azur & Indigo
                $aNumerosSpeciaux = array('0800', '0801', '0802', '0803');
                $sIndicatif = substr($sFormatted, 0, 4);
                if (in_array($sIndicatif, $aNumerosSpeciaux)) {
                // Appels internationaux impossible (?)
                    $bInternationalFormat = false;
                    $sFormatted = $sIndicatif . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 4,
2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 6, 2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, -2);

                } elseif ($sIndicatif == '0836' && !$bInternationalFormat) {
                // Numeros Kiosque sont traites normalement a
                // l'international, mais en France the zero n'est pas mis
                // entre parentheses
                    $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 0, 2) . ' ' .
substr($sFormatted, 2, 2) . ' ' .
                    substr($sFormatted, 4, 2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 6,
2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, -2);

                } else {
                    $sFormatted = '(' . substr($sFormatted, 0, 1) . ')' .
substr($sFormatted, 1, 1) . ' ' .
                    substr($sFormatted, 2, 2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 4,
2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 6, 2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, -2);

            case 9:
                $sFormatted = '(0)' . substr($sFormatted, 0, 1) . ' ' .
substr($sFormatted, 1, 2) . ' ' .
                substr($sFormatted, 3, 2) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 5, 2)
. ' ' . substr($sFormatted, -2);

                // Any other unrecognized phone numbers are return as
                // they were passed.
                return $sPhone;
         // End [CASE] FR / France

        // The following countries are folded into the US numbering plan
        case 'AI':  // Anguilla
        case 'AG':  // Antigua/Barbuda
        case 'BS':  // Bahamas
        case 'BB':  // Barbados
        case 'BM':  // Bermuda
        case 'CA':  // Canada
        case 'KY':  // Cayman Islands
        case 'DM':  // Dominica
        case 'DO':  // Dominican Republic
        case 'GD':  // Grenada
        case 'GU':  // Guam
        case 'JM':  // Jamaica
        case 'MS':  // Montserrat
        case 'MP':  // Northern Mariana Islands
        case 'PR':  // Puerto Rico
        case 'KN':  // Saint Kitts and Nevis
        case 'LC':  // Saint Lucia
        case 'VC':  // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
        case 'TT':  // Trinidad and Tobago
        case 'TC':  // Turks and Caicos Islands
        case 'VG':  // Virgin Islands (British)
        case 'VI':  // Virgin Islands (U.S.)

        case 'US':  // United States of America
        // National format: (123) 456-7890
        // International format: +1 (1) 123-456-7890
        // Toll number format: 1-800-123-4567
        if ($iLen == 11) {
            $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 1);
            $iLen = 10;
         switch ($iLen) {
            case 7:
                // Local number
                // Note: International number format cannot
                //be used for US and Canada
                $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 0, 3) . '-' .
substr($sFormatted, -4);
                $bInternationalFormat &= ($sCountry != 'US' && $sCountry !=

            case 10:
                // Full number
                // Toll phone area codes
                $aTollAreaCodes = array(800, 866, 877, 888, 855, 844, 833,
822, 900, 880, 881, 882, 883);
                $sAreaCode = substr($sFormatted, 0, 3);

                // Countries using the US phone numbering system
                // use the code area as country code, so we "reset"
                // the country code to "1" for phone numbers already
                // the area code.
                $iCountryCode = '1';

                if (in_array((int) $sAreaCode, $aTollAreaCodes)) {
                // Note: International format cannot be supported here
                //   for toll numbers.
                    $sFormatted = '1-' . $sAreaCode . '-' .
substr($sFormatted, 3, 3) . '-' . substr($sFormatted, -4);
                    $bInternationalFormat = false;

                } elseif ($bInternationalFormat) {
                    $sFormatted = '(1) ' . $sAreaCode . '-' .
substr($sFormatted, 3, 3) . '-' . substr($sFormatted, -4);

                } else {
                    $sFormatted = '(' . $sAreaCode . ') ' .
substr($sFormatted, 3, 3) . '-' . substr($sFormatted, -4);

                // Any other unrecognized phone numbers are return as
                // they were passed.
                return $sPhone;

        } // End [SWITCH] on length of number
        // End [CASE] US & Canada (CA)
        case 'UK':    // United Kingdom
            // National format: (020) 1234 5678
            // International format: +44 (20) 1234-5678
            // Toll number format: 0800-123-456
            $iLen = strlen($sPhone);
            switch ($iLen) {
                case 8:
                    // Local number
                    // Note: International number format cannot
                    // be used for UK
                    $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 0, 3) . ' ' .
substr($sFormatted, -4);
                    $bInternationalFormat &= $sCountry != 'UK';

                case (10 || 11):
                    // Full number
                    // Toll phone area codes
                    $aTollAreaCodes = array(800, 844, 845, 870, 871, 90,

                    if (in_array((int) substr($sFormatted, 1, 3),
$aTollAreaCodes)) {
                    // Note: International format cannot be supported here
                    //   for toll numbers.
                        $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 0, 4) . '-' .
substr($sFormatted, 4, 3) . '-' . substr($sFormatted, 7);
                        $bInternationalFormat = false;

                    } elseif ($bInternationalFormat) {
                        $sFormatted = '(' . substr($sFormatted, 1, 2) . ')
'. substr($sFormatted, 3, 4) . '-' . substr($sFormatted, 7);

                    } else {
                        $sFormatted = substr($sFormatted, 0, 3) . ' ' .
substr($sFormatted, 3, 4) . ' ' . substr($sFormatted, 7);

                    // Any other unrecognized phone numbers are return as
                    // they were passed.
                    return $sPhone;

            } // End [SWITCH] on length of number
            // End [CASE] UK

    } // End [SWITCH] on country code

    // Prepend with the country code and append extension if needed.
    return (($bInternationalFormat) ? '+' . $iCountryCode . ' ' : '') .
$sFormatted . (($sExt) ? ' ' . $sExt : '');

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