At 04:56 PM 11/20/98 -1000, Jay Hanson wrote:
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Caspar Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>The other question is whether the upswing in energy around Y2K and
>>funddamental change will lead to attempts of various
>>people/organizations to centralize energy flows or whether we shall be
>>wise enough to set up decentralized/chaordic structures.
>What's  "decentralized/chaordic structures"?

I presume they refer to Dee Hock's non-hierarchical
"management-by-a-group-of-equals" structure (chaos/order) see

Similar structure is proposed by Wilber/Koestler as "holarchical", being
the "management structure" that the "most complex holon", the human being,
runs by -- see "Brief History of Everything" etc:

They have similar effect, in my opinion, to the Co-operative structure of
Mondragon, and the Direct Democracy structure brought about by
"citizen-initiated binding referendum"

>What problem do they solve?

hierarchy/dictatorship problems

Colin Stark


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