Date:    Mon, 6 Jul 1998 15:32:45 +0100
From:    Jordi Martorell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Puerto Rico General Strike Info
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Subject:     Puerto Rico General Strike Info
Sent:        6/7/1998 7:29 am
Received:    6/7/1998 2:20 pm
From:        Cesar J. Ayala, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Friends,

The following pages on the Internet contain text and pictures of the
Telecomm Strike in Puerto Rico which will become a general strike on Tuesday.

César Ayala

Pagina José Fortuno: Huelga del Pueblo Contra la Privatización (Bilingual)

Huelga General en Puerto Rico (Bilingual)

Página Unión Trabajadores Industria Electrica y Riego (En español)

P'a la Huelga del Pueblo (En español)

La Red Obrera (Inglaterra) ( En español)

Labour Net (Inglaterra) (In English)

Date:    Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:20:20 +0100
From:    LabourNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: 24 Hours to the General Strike in Puerto Rico
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On 7/6/98, at 12:14 PM, Carlos Quiros  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>24 Hours to the General Strike in Puerto Rico
>Jose Fortuno
>for a-infos
>The General Strike, convocked by the Broad Committe of Trade Unions, will
>begin today at midnigth. It is expected that hundreds of thousands of
>unite the movement, with a stoppage of the government opperations and
>sectors of the economy.
>Speaking on the General Strike, Annie Cruz, spokesman for CAOS, said that
>members of over 60 trade unions would be stopping their work and picketing
>their work centers from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
>Between  12:00 m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be automovile caravans and
>demonstrations all over the island, and between 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. there
>be concentrations in 45 places around the island. Those include hospitals,
>government offices, ports, the bank zone, malls and several campuses of
>University of Puerto Rico.
>We are going to make pressure on the industry, the banks, and commerce,
>because those are the ones that identify with the interest of the
>and they are whom we have to press so the governor, at least, accepts to
>celebrate a referendum, said the leader of the telephone workers, and
>stressed that  we will not let the employees get to their work places.
>Cruz said that in citites like New York, Tampa, Dallas and in the state of
>California there will be picketing and recollections in front of Banco
>branches and  GTE offices, that, to this moment, are the buyers for the
>Telephone Company, as well as the Citibank, the financing entity for GTE.
>On Tuesday at 5:00 p.m., a news comference will be staged, and then the
>demonstrations will go on.
>Although Cruz did not rule out that the basic services could be affected,
>said that this is a strike of the Puerto Rican people, and not against the
>Puerto Rican people, and, in that way, they do not approve the sabotage to
>governments faccilities that, are contradictory and, instead of helping
>cause, get it backwards.
>She used the opportunity also to clarify her sayings on a similarity
>the stoppage and the coming of a hurricane, saying that when I was
>this to when a hurricane is coming, I was talking about the government and
>big interests, those tht are pressing on the working people and are for
>privatization policy.
>On Wednesday, the strategy will differ a little, because they will
>large quantities of people in just five places, in San Juan, Caguas,
>Ponce and Mayaguez.
>On the possibility that violent acts may occur at the picket lines and
>concentration places, Cruz said that we dont want violence nor blood. We
>going to make our activities without violenco, but, if they want violence,
>are going to have to respond in some way, because we have to defend
>ourselves... we are not going to do as Jesus Christ, to give the other
>On the aggenda after the General Strike, she said that on Thursday, they
>evaluate the results, in order to establish new strategies, to know if we
>go on with the Telephone workers strike, of will stop it at some moment.
>Cruz will go on a five minutes TV message tonight, to call the people to
>to the General Strike.
>In the last few days, the popular support for the strike has been growing.
>opinion polls, the majority is for the stoppage. At every moment, hundreds
>cars pass by the picket lines and the people express their support. This
>sharp contrast with a traditional negative attitude of the public opinion
>towards the strikes and the trade unions.
>The only other general strike in Puerto Ricos history was on 1934, when
>countrys economy was mostly agriculture.
>This Puerto Rican workers struggle is not for more money or for working
>conditions. It is a struggle to stop the neo-liberal policy that gives up
>the states' companies to the big transnational capital.
>Find more information at

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