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Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 05:52:08 +0000
From: Ken Ka`imi Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: jobs vs tourist dollars - productivity

Yup!  Great mana`o (thoughts) here!

I'm reminded of a wonderfully synoptic chart on the cover page
of a major Hawaiian bank's economic report several months ago...

It showed state trends in gross business receipts and total employment
over the last five years (since the slump began out here).  The former
steadily increased while the latter steadily decreased!  

At the time, I thought this was a great depiction of the impact of globalization
or at least what we can expect from same.

One point here is that we need to shift our economic development focus
away from jobs, per se.  

Especially when we can show that the benefits of increased productivity go
to bankers, not bed-makers (as in our tourism jobs indicator)...

Our hounds are simply not nimble enough to catch this dashing rabbit!

And, regarding the link to quality of life, I'm reminded of a wonderful
quote from the 1994 UNDP report on economic conditions in the Pacific 
Islands which said:  "The relatively high standard living is due, in part, to
the continued heavy reliance on subsistence practices!"

I can tell you this about the months following Hurricane Iniki:  when the 
golden arches blew down and our `ohana (families) went back to the reefs and 
uplands for food, we all ate better!


Anybody got an indicator for corporate "meanness?"  ...Like percent of the 
local workforce with some form of job security yesterday vs. today?
Ho`okipa Network of Hawaiian CBO's
Taroist CBO's just do it...  What it is is up to us...

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