We just had Parlamentary elections here in Norway.
And we got a new government.
More than twenty different political parties were campaigning, and 
seven got enough votes to get represented in the new Parliament.
Labour is still the largest party, this time with 35% of the votes. 
But a coalision of three political parties that call themselves "The 
Center Alternative", and who combined got 26% of the votes, has 
formed the new governement.

One of the three political parties in government is "Christian 
Peoples Party", and they got the Prime minister. His name is Kjell 
Magne Bondevik. The most important issue for them is "Cash support" - 
"Kontantstoette" - to parents with children who are not in 
kindergarten. Every child in kindergarten gets about $400 per months 
in support from the governement. "Christian Peoples Party" wants that 
children who are not in kindergarten shall too get four hundred US 
dollars per month as an extra cash support. This is now going to 
happen, because so many political parties have said that they will 
support this proposal that it is going to get a majority in the 
Parliament. This does not mean that kindergartens are getting less 
support. This is new money, and they are not being taxed. This comes 
in addition to other benefits, like childrens benefits - about $150 
per month per child (the double for single parents) - and 
"birthmoney" - which on average is $15.000 per child - or for working 
women 80% of a years salary, but for women who do not work only 
between 4000 and 5000 US dollars.

I guess there are three main reasons for this new support to 
One is that there has been much writing about growing poverty in 
Norway, and research show that of the poorest 60.000 persons in 
Norway 20.000 are children. I guess this new support will reach those 
The second is fairness and equality: When one group of children - 
those in kindregarten - is given all this support from the government 
it is fair to give those who do not have a place in kindergarten the 
same support.
And third: I guess this is an important part of the anti-abortion 
policy of the "Christian Peoples Party". "Christian Peoples Party" is 
anti abortion, but there are free abortion in Norway, and that is not 
going to be changed. "Christian Peoples Party"'s policy is to try to 
make it such a fine thing to raise a child that nobody will consider 
abortion, and one way to do it is to poor money upon everybody that 
has got to do with children, parents, schools, kindergartens etc.
It is a quite nice policy, I think.

Tor Forde

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