Brad McCormick wrote:
> No doubt it is true that genetic engineering -- especially
> under conditions of late-capitalism, will create
> many not just problems, but straightforward
> injury and harm.  But I fail to see where
> the pre- diagnosed/manipulated genes that cause
> hemophilia, various cancers, cystic fibrosis [what's
> the point: there are so *many* of them!!!] *enhance*
> anybody's humanity, except on the
> "conservative" only-torture-builds-
> strong-characters-12-ways-and/or-enables-you-to-
> go-to-heaven-or-at-least-be-certified-by-your-
> society-of-origin-as-a-hero ideology.

Genes *cause* cancer ?  Isn't this a fairy-tale of the chemical
corporations (who happen to overlap with the genetics-corporations)
to distract from the fact that their own chemicals cause cancer ?
Their PR pitch that we need GE to fix diseases is about as credible as
their PR pitch that we need GE to fix world hunger.  B$.


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