Brad McCormick replied:
> Of course you are right that corporations *cause* a lot of
> cancers, etc.  But just because somebody's shooting at me
> from in front doesn't mean somebody else isn't also shooting at
> me from behind.

It gets absurd when the guy who's shooting at you from in front with a
machine gun  claims he wants to kill the guy who's shooting at you from
behind with a slingshot.

> Do you really believe that nature doesn't
> cause any diseases or suffering or death?

I didn't say so.  The point is that the pharmaceutical industry can
cure less than they are causing.

> My point is simply that we have *two* enemies: nature and
> in-human people.  We have only one ally: persons (and
> maybe some higher animals...) who genuinely and effectively care for us.

My point is simply that the former enemy fades away compared to the latter
enemy (which is "only human", BTW).  The latter prefers to portray the
former as "the" enemy, though.


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