At 07:10 AM 12/5/1999 -0800, Tom Walker wrote:
>It isn't capital that is the source of the problem, it is the political
>resistance of capitalists to resolving the contradictions of capitalism
>that is the source of the problem. What is intolerable to me is that the
>more we acquire the means of actually solving some of the big problems the
>more strenuously do the vested interest gate-keepers refuse to employ
>them for humane ends. Why? Because it would interfere with THEIR
>individual sovereignty. 

Dear Tom

I agree with what you say totally

I believe that one possible way to get a lever on the problem is through
Direct Democracy -- i.e. make our governments ACCOUNTABLE to the CITIZENS.
Citizens will then be able to bring forward legislation through the
referendum process that will control those capitalists, or Postumists as
you re-label them
This process is quite well advanced in the US -- except at the Federal
level, which is VERY  powerful (and while it is well-advanced at the STATE
level, I have strong reservations about the mechanisms, which allow money
to have a strong influence on the outcome of the vote)

I realize as I write this that this sounds like a long way around to get to
a solution. 
But in three years of working in this area, I have yet to stumble over ANY
OTHER solution that has a better chance of success.
So until I do so, I will keep my brain from atrophy by pursuing Direct

Please, anyone out there, let me know if you have a better idea!

Colin Stark
Canadians for Direct Democracy
Vancouver, B.C.


>On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Ed Weick wrote:
>> Is capital and its owners, the capitalists, really responsible for the
>> state of the world?  
>Tom Walker
>TimeWork Web

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