> ----------
>From: Tim Rourke
>It is time this whole putrid 'string' about whether jews are capitalists
>dissapeared. It should never have gottern started.  If it does not I am
>going to contact the Jewish anti-defamation league. Blech.
>Tim R.

But please allow me one last word.  I feel as though I've been
misunderstood, or at least understood by only a few people.  I personally
was not calling Jews anything.  What I was talking about was the groundless
persecution of the Jews or indeed of any people, a process that usually
begins and becomes justified by repeatedly labeling them "capitalist",
"infidels", "unbelievers", "terrorists" or whatever the anthithesis of the
dominant set of beliefs happens to be and scares people enough to make them
react.  In doing so I was reacting to some of the news coming out of
Seattle, where being "capitalist" was a very bad thing, and where some small
franchisees had windows smashed.  I know that what happened in Seattle was
nothing like Krystalnacht, but I couldn't help thinking of that fateful
event and the awful things that followed it.

I apologize if anyone has been offended.  I will move on and refrain from
using an ironic style of writing again.  However, I do hope it was the style
and not the substance of what I wrote that bothered people.

Ed Weick

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