>Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 13:22:07 -0500
>From: Armine Yalnizyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: hitting the mark
>Personally speaking, this is the most intelligent take I've
>seen about the whole Seattle thing yet.
>from NY Times
> Rebels in Search of Rules
> TORONTO -- It is all too easy to dismiss the protesters at the World
> Trade Organization meeting in Seattle as radicals with 60's envy. A
> seemingly more trenchant criticism is that they are simply behind the
> curve, fighting against a tide of globalization that has already
> swamped them. Mike Moore, the director of the W.T.O., describes his
> opponents as nothing more than protectionists launching an assault on
> internationalism.
> The truth, however, is that the protesters in Seattle have been bitten
> by the globalization bug as surely as the trade lawyers inside the
> Seattle hotels -- though by globalization of a different sort -- and
> they know it. The confusion about the protesters' political goals is
> understandable: this is the first movement born of the anarchic
> pathways of the Internet. There is no top-down hierarchy, no
> universally recognized leaders, and nobody knows what is going to
> happen next.
> This protest movement is really anti-corporate rather than
> anti-globalist, and its roots are in the anti-sweatshop campaigns
> taking aim at Nike, the human rights campaign focusing on Royal
> Dutch/Shell in Nigeria and the backlash against Monsanto's genetically
> engineered foods in Europe.
> At any time, one huge multinational company may be involved in several
> disputes -- on labor, human rights and environmental issues, for
> example. Activists learn of one another as they aim at the same
> corporate target. Inadvertently, individual corporations have become
> symbols of the global economy in miniature, ultimately providing
> activists with name-brand entry points to the arcane world of the W.T.O.
> This is the most internationally minded, globally linked movement the
> world has ever seen. There are no more faceless Mexicans or Chinese
> workers stealing our jobs, in part because those workers'
> representatives are now on the same e-mail lists and at the same
> conferences as the Western activists. When protesters shout about the
> evils of globalization, most are not calling for a return to narrow
> nationalism, but for the borders of globalization to be expanded, for
> trade to be linked to  democratic reform, higher wages, labor rights
> and environmental protections.
> This is what sets the young protesters in Seattle apart from their
> 60's predecessors.
> In the age of Woodstock, refusing to play by state and school rules was
> regarded as a political act in itself. Now, opponents of the W.T.O. --
> even those who call themselves anarchists -- are outraged about a lack
> of rules and authority. They are demanding that national governments be
> free to exercise their authority without interference from the W.T.O.
> and asking for stricter international rules governing labor standards,
> environmental protection and scientific research.
> Everyone, of course, claims to be all for rules, from President Clinton
> to Microsoft's chairman, Bill Gates. In an odd turn of events, the need
> for "rules-based trade" has become the mantra of the era of deregulation.
> But deregulation is by definition about the removal of rules. The W.T.O.,
> charged with defining and enforcing deregulation, is only concerned with
> rules that regulate the removal of rules.
> The W.T.O. has consistently sought to sever trade, quite unnaturally,
> from everything and everyone affected by it: workers, the environment,
> culture. This is why President Clinton's suggestion yesterday that the
> rift between the protesters and the delegates can be smoothed over with
> small compromises and consultation is so misguided.
> The face-off is not between globalizers and protectionists, but between
> two radically different visions of globalization.
> One has had a monopoly for the last 10 years. Then other just had its
> coming-out party.
>   .............................................
>   Bob Olsen, Toronto      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .............................................

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