Replying to no particular posting on this thread: 

Is "Krystallnacht" really an appropriate word to apply
to what happened in Seattle?  Of course I wasn't
there, so maybe it *is* entirely apposite.  But
my guess, so far, is it isn't.

"Never again!"

\brad mccormick

pete wrote:
>  Mike Hollinshead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I don't think I am a conspiracy theorist, but I know enough about the role
> >of agents provocateurs in history to wonder if the vandals in Seattle were
> >all that people assume them to be.
> So does that make me paranoid when that was my first thought about it?
> I guess it's a result of hearing in passing somewhere that almost all
> `revolutionary' political groups in north america in the sixties were
> penetrated by agents provocateur in the pay of one or another US govt
> agency, even the goofball Vancouver Maoist faction.
>                                      -Pete Vincent

   Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua NY 10514-3403 USA
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