Harry Pollard wrote:
> The entire US fleet was withdrawn 100 miles away from the
> fighting. Except the Liberty. That hung around on the edge
> of a ferocious war.

The ship was in international waters and Israel had no right to
attack a peaceful ship there.  Period.

> It's something you don't get into the middle of if you have
> any sense. And common-sense prevailed. If a flight of US
> planes came tearing in out of the west, there could have
> been dogfights and more deaths.

Now you're saying that US forces should not come to the rescue
of an attacked US ship, in order to avoid "more deaths".  You
re-define basic military rules in a pretty absurd way.

> But, why was the Liberty attacked by Israel? What a silly
> thing to do a ship belonging to Israel's principal ally.
> Well, something must be found to answer this obvious
> question.
> And you found it, Chris. You said:
> "This intelligence-gathering ship witnessed war crimes on
> the land (IDF executing Arabs POWs). The IDF tried to
> eliminate the witnesses."
> This advanced electronics intelligence ship was busy
> viewing an atrocity looking from sea level to an incident
> happening 12 to 14 miles away - as supposedly witnessed by
> one person, as far as I know.
> These Americans are magicians.

You're right -- it's not necessary that the ship witnessed anything.
The main motive for the IDF attack with unmarked planes was to make
it look like Egypt attacked and sunk the USS Liberty, in order to
draw the US into the war.

In the meantime, they have become much more sophisticated.  9/11 was
a mastermind operation that drew the US into several wars.  Although
the demolition fraud is just as obvious for anyone with eyes.

> That's what the 10 official US inquiries found and I tend
> to believe them over assertions from those with a political
> axe to grind.

Why would the USS Liberty personnel have any "political axe to grind"?
They just experienced Israel's actions and drew their conclusions from that.
Like the Palestinians...


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