Harry, your ignorance on this is only exceeded by your arrogance.


You don't like the tempest? Then stop provoking it.





From: Harry Pollard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 1:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] with friends & gov't like these, who needs




I suppose we have to continue this 'tempest in a teapot'.


I didn't realize there were so many official sites discussing the incident.
Or, that there were even more conspiracy theory sites.


So, I probably put 'Israeli USS Liberty' in the Google search to link the


But, I don't really know.


The Virtual Library site was on top. I don't think I've ever seen or
accessed the site before. I pulled it up and read with interest.


I particularly noted the ten official US inquiries made with little evidence
that it was anything but an accident. These incidents happen in wartime,
particularly as Israel was defending herself against the combined forces of
Egypt, Jordan, and Syria whose intention was to drive the Israelis into the
sea. Not exactly a time of calm and controlled thinking.


Israeli planes at the time bombed one of their own armored column - these
things happen.


(One recalls that in Normandy, American planes bombed American troops - then
came back and bombed them again.)


Of course conspiracy theorists are not interested in truth. Nor are those
whose 15 minutes of fame are congealed in a book - or nowadays, a blog.


The best argument that it was an accident is that Israel had nothing to gain
from the attack on its closest ally.


There is a claim (which ranges between silly and laughable) that the Liberty
was examining Israeli troops murdering civilians (from 12.5 miles away at
sea level) and that Israel sank her to stop this crime being publicized.


Haven't seen any other theories but I'm sure there are other equally
incredible assertions. They tend to sprout up around such incidents. The
9/11 incident is a good example and I've seen people practically froth at
the mouth if one denies the US blew up the towers, or asserts that it wasn't
a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon.


And so on.


Again, I would remind you that after reading the long piece from Chris, I
checked it on Google, brought up the first site I found (Ahah! Pollard
deliberately chose a hard-core Israeli site!)


The only thing that stayed with me was a listing of the 10 official US
inquiries (we'll forget the 3 Israeli ones as they were probably hard-core).
None of them found the Israelis guilty of knowingly attacking an American


Yet, Chris wrote:


"9. That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United
States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never
been thoroughly investigated by Congress;"


Except for:


The Clifford Report - 1967 - to LBJ. Not to Congress but to the White House.


"f. The unprovoked attack on the Liberty constitutes a flagrant act of gross
negligence for which the Israeli

Government should be held completely responsible, and the Israeli military
personnel involved should be punished."


Senate Foreign Relations - 1967:

Macnamara - "the attack was not intentional".


Senate Armed Services - 1967:

No conclusion.


House Appropriations - 1968:

Navy communications foulup - no conclusions. 


House Armed Services - 1971:

Critical of Navy communications - no conclusion.


Senate - Intelligence - 1979:

Found no merit in Liberty crewman claim that attack was intentional.


House Armed Services - 1991:

Probe launched but came up with no evidence to support allegations by
Liberty Veterans Association.


Then there was the CIA Report "a mistake", the NSA report "miscalculations
and egregious errors", and of course the 725 page complete record of the US
Navy Court of Inquiry that concluded "case of mistaken identity".



The above listing from A.J.Cristol's PhD dissertation - U. of Miami 1997 -
pp 86-113.



Cristol is probably a member of Mossad, or at least in the pay of the
Israelis, but what can one do - the Jews are everywhere. Heck, there's a
noise under my desk. It might be Sammy the dog, but also might be Israeli
Intelligence inserting more false information onto my hard disk.


All I did was to check the Liberty story at the first URL - I noted the US
investigations above - and then I posted the URL that I looked at with an
suggestion "Check this."


You could have said "Harry, their view is one-sided - check out ????" -
giving me a couple of other sites.


I would probably have done so. 


Instead, you called me a propagandist, writing "any old nonsense",  and
complained about my "research" (That's a laugh!) You suggested that other
things I write might be suspect and three times alluded to some secret
agenda I might have.


Is this an intelligent reaction?


The Israelis had nothing to gain and everything to lose by deliberately
attacking an American ship. If they did, that wasn't very intelligent


Lawry, it was an accident occasioned by both Israeli and American





Henry George School of Social Science

of Los Angeles.

Box 655  Tujunga  CA  91042

818 352-4141



From: Lawrence de Bivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] with friends & gov't like these, who needs


Not haughtiness, Harry. Boredom.


Do you really want to insist?  Really?  OK.....


1. You assert repeatedly that you merely grabbed material on the Liberty
from the 'first site' of the list that Google generated for you. You assert
that you did not deliberately choose a propaganda source hoping to mislead


2. OK, there is a simple test of your veracity: 


Tell us the words you entered into Google that led Google to generate
'jewish virtual library' as the first choice.


Seeing as you were querying the USS Liberty incident, I imagine you started
off with "USS Liberty...."  What words did you next enter?


3. And then we'll talk about the likelihood of your 'accidentally' failing
to notice that you were copying from a pro-Israeli site.....






From: Harry Pollard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] with friends & gov't like these, who needs


Really Lawry, I mildly mentioned I had googled a site (that I had never seen
before but was the first to come up in google) simply to remind me of the
incident and you made a Federal case out of it.


Because you wouldn't let it go and made allusions about me personally (for
which you should apologize) I continued it a little further.


Three questions occurred to me which I felt sure you could answer to my
satisfaction, but you won't answer them.


Maybe you can't answer these simple questions.


Anyway, you have now become haughty and refuse to continue.




You should have decided that earlier before your silly remarks about "my





Henry George School of Social Science

of Los Angeles.

Box 655  Tujunga  CA  91042

818 352-4141




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