Harry Pollard wrote:
> I don't now how much you pay for things but I guarantee
> that it's a lot more than we pay.
> And because things are cheap we are able to buy quality
> items and are not forced to buy poor quality by pinching
> pennies.
> When I'm in Europe I am horrified at the cost of
> everything.

American prices are lower mainly because you guys are maximizing
externalization of costs at all levels...  from cheap gas to
absent health insurance...  you're literally living at the expense
of the future, the past and the rest of the planet.  But this
also affects the quality of things.  We talked about this earlier,
e.g. how it's impossible to get genuine organic food in America
because it all has to be cheapo.  And it also affects wages,
which limit people's purchasing power.  So, as usual, you're living
in an illusion, twisting things around, when you assert that people
are able to buy quality items because things are cheap.


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