(snip)  Not because I didn't like it, in fact I loved it.   I would say that
this is my favorite post of Keith's of all time.   I would give you a Nobel
for it but it would have to be shared with the James Burke and his wonderful
"Connections" television program.    Here in the US we are really more about
what I would call a contrary security blanket.    In the rest of the world I
would assume that expertise would be applauded and that you would go to an
expert to solve a problem in the area that they were expert within.    Here
in the US there is a twist to all of this that must be understood if you are
to understand why things are done the way they are.    But let you finish
first.   You said:

> Just one final comment. Apart from a relatively few extra genes than
> chimps, the supremely significant development of the human species was the
> vast enlargement of the frontal lobes of the cortex (our vertical
> foreheads). They are *huge* compared with those of other primates. The
> primary purpose of the frontal lobes is to deal with novel perceptions.
> frontal lobes have an avidity for novelty.  Even while most of the
> population of the world may continue to suffer poverty and extreme
> deprivation, the economies of the developing countries of the world will
> continue to be primarily motivated by the emergence of novelties and not
> the suffering of the rest of the world. And that's a fact that Messrs
> Samuelson, Norhaus. Mankiw, Baumol and Binder don't address and never
> discuss.

Unlike the part I snipped, I think this is just a little too cute.   In
short I am not going to say much about it except that it ignores too much
and endangers your thesis by elevating a biological story that is too glib
even for an artist.    As you said wonderfully earlier in this post (the
snipped part) the definition could be applied to too many other areas for it
to work seriously in this one.   For example it could explain the Coliseum
murders in Rome or the invention of Opera but the real answer is more
interesting and complicated than that.

But let me go back to the "novelty" or James Burke "connections" theory of
motivation.    In America it is not so much about "novelty" except in the
very idle rich, but about what Americans call "security".     Homeland
Security,   Public Health, Financial Security, etc.     This could produce a
very Anal retentive population that would get little done and could become
murderous in its defensiveness.     Yes, I know that HAS happened but there
is another side to all of this that stops it to some degree.   I would call
it the "law of reaction."     You may not defend yourself until something
has already happened.    For example, the Lusitania,   Pearl Harbor, the
World Trade Center on the Mega side but on the Mini side you may not look
for someone until you have found a body, or in medicine you may not begin
prevention until you have discovered cancer.    The excuse to this ignoring
of prevention is usually economic.    It costs too much.   But the reality
is that we like the possibility of chance in the midst of all of our
retentiveness.     "Don't care for it until its broke."     Europeans may
have marched off to war in WW I because they were bored and had toys but
Americans would never do such a thing unless 1. it was economical and 2. it
gave us relief at the toilet.

Why else would the media push the perfect Anal Retentive  Authoress and
self-described constitution scholar Anne Coulter to the no. 1 spot on the
nytimes book list (Slander)  while ignoring world class artist and non-anal
Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" who in spite of being ignored has been on
the list for 24 months without hype or pushing from the corporate Media.
Moore is the compassionate hedonist who asks why something couldn't be
planned ahead of time to eleminate the massive loss of jobs in his hometown
of Flint Michigan while Coulter in her finishing school manner complains
about Moore's complaints while complaining about the liberal media's assault
on her rich friends who pay all the taxes and support all of the charities.
i.e. not prevention or planning but "reaction".      "You can't have it
unless we give it to you and we will only give it to you if we get it
first."      Game theory is the best America can do on the novelty end and
it is poor indeed since it is the joy of chess.

Ray Evans Harrell

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