Joihn Reid, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Health, said yesterday that middle class patients had been securing better health care from the National Health Service than pooer people than "working the system".

Good gracious! Has he only discovered that! (Of course, he hasn't. But it's politically expedient for him to say that just now 'cos he's having brutal negotiations with [middle class] hospital consultants .)

The rich milk the middle class (in fact, need them to cook their accounts, etc);

The middle class milk the working class;

The working class milk the young and the unemployed (by insisting on minimum wages and fiddling overtime and thus keeping many young people out of employment)

In nation-state-sized welfare, health and social systems without local community checks and balances, there is no possibilility of restraining the worst aspects of this pecking order.

Keith Hudson
Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England

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