On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:16:38PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I am going to raise this now, unlike last year where we only had a few
> days to come up with something.
> Is there anyone here who's thinking of wanting to work on FVWM via GSOC?  At
> this stage, I am not interested in gathering ideas (the TODO file is
> sufficient for this, as well as the original thread from last year [1]),
> other than to see how viable it is at this stage.
> I am of course offering mentoring services and/or main point of contact if
> no one else has any objections to either of that, of course.  I know from
> working on other projects who've been able to garner GSOC support just how
> much time it places on mentors -- so whilst I am very willing to do this, I
> don't want to waste my time either if no one is interested.

The ball needs to start rolling on this then.

The timeline for the entire thing [0] is pretty clear.  End of next week is
the deadline for us, as a mentoring organisation to submit applications.
This will include a list of tasks, we think, a student could potentially
work on.

To that end, I would like anyone with a passing interest to do that --
regardless of how "stupid" an idea might sound, I can easily sieve those
ones which are either way outside of FVWM's remit, or those which are just
too lengthy, etc.  (I am assuming people are going to be screaming
"COMPOSITE" at me, and I have an equally witty phrase I can come back with
on that.  :P)

Thankfully now that we have the wiki, we can host any GSOC-related
information there [1] -- without the need to give people CVS access to
update some static webpage on fvwm.org (which was always an insane
suggestion anyway.)  In fact, to that end the page [2] has been created.

The poignant things any prospective mentors are going to need to know
[3] are covered in question 2 -- which I am happy to fill out, but note
that this won't and cannot get off the ground without a *backup* mentor.
That's critical, and one of the failings from last year's proposal.

So -- anyone from fvwm-workers wanting to step up to that?  To be clear
again -- I am offering to be main point of contact, etc., etc., the role
of a backup mentor is to supplement my role should I die, or have no
Internet access, etc.  Hopefully something unlikely!

I appreciate the timing *couldn't* be worse for next week as I won't be
around - so it looks like I will have to coordinate this from public
libraries, Internet cafes, lunch breaks at work, etc., etc.

Sorry about that, but I will do my best!


-- Thomas Adam

[1]  http://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org
[2]  http://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org/GSOC/2010/

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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