Le Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:29:22 +0100,
Thomas Funk <t.f...@web.de> a écrit :

> Hi!
> I'm working on a composite configurator with FvwmScript and getting an
> issue with WriteToFile command. It only writes '#end' into the file.

I get the same issue yesterday. I use a Piperead for now. The script is

The commented out WriteToFile is into Widget 23.

This is with fvwm-2.6.6 from cvs and gentoo.


> First I thought I've done something wrong but I do the same as in
> FvwmScript-BaseConfig. So I started a test with FvwmScript-BaseConfig
> and the same happens. Used FVWM is 2.6.5. This happens under Fedora
> 19, too.
> My next thought was something has changed in WriteToFile source since 
> creation of FvwmScript-BaseConfig - 2007-08-07. So I compared the
> code from 2.5.22 and CVS but nothing has changed.
> So, what could be the problem?
> - Thomas -

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