Le Sat, 21 Dec 2013 03:11:06 +0100,
Dominik Vogt <dominik.v...@gmx.de> a écrit :

> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 01:20:16AM +0100, Dominique Michel wrote:
> [snip]
> > But if I want to remove it only when a window of class Ardour have
> > the focus and I run
> > 
> > Key B A M   Music-Next
> > Key (Ardour) B W M -
> > 
> > it do nothing and Alt+B call Music-Next in any case, even when
> > Ardour have the focus.
> That's not the way removing bindings works.  You can only remove
> a binding completely or not at all.  It's not possible to
> partially remove a binding just for selected windows.
> > I try the same thing with the name, class and resource
> > of an urxvt term with the same result: the binding is not removed
> > when the window have the focus.
> That does not work and was never intended to work.  There is some
> obscure feature in the binding code that instructs fvwm to pass a
> keystroke to the underlying window if there is a binding with the
> action "--"  (without the quotes), but on one hand the code has a
> bug (i.e. it does not work), and even if the bug is fixed, I see
> no way how it could work.

It doesn't work. So, I must think about some kind of bindings editor.
Maybe next year.

> --

Thanks for the in-deep explanation:
> Fvwm intercepts the defined key bindings on _all_ windows
> because otherwise key bindings on unfocused windows might not work
> (PointerKey command).  Now, there _is_ code that detects that fvwm
> got a key press event on a window for which it has no binding, but
> then the damage is already done.  events.c:__handle_key() makes a
> feeble attempt to pass the intercepted key event to the window
> that may or may not work.
> The normal sequence of events a window gets is
>   KeyPress (non-synthetic)
>   KeyRelease (non-synthetic)
> With the "undone" interception it gets
>   FocusOut (NotifyAncestor)
>   KeyPress (synthetic)
>   FocusOut (NotifyPointer)
>   FocusIn (NotifyAncestor)
>   KeymapNotify (non-synthetic)
>   KeyRelease (synthetic)
> So, on one hand the window gets synthetic events which some or
> maybe even many applications refure to handle, and on the other
> hand the KeyPress arrives during the grab, while the window has
> lost the focus.  There's nothing we can do about the synthetic
> events, and I cannot think of a way to terminate a passiv grab
> early, i.e. before the grabbed key is released.  If there was such
> a way, then the window would get the FocusIn evens _before_ the
> synthetic KeyPress which should improve the chance that the
> application actually uses the KeyPress.
> I can think only of one way to really fix this.  We'd have to
> re-grab all bindings on all windows (1) whenever the focus changes
> (Focus... events or fvwm sets focus) and (2) whenever the pointer
> crosses any window borders (including unmanaged windows) (i.e.
> EnterNotify and LeaveNotify events).  However, for remote servers
> on slow connections this would be _slow_ (including dead modifiers
> a complex fvwm configuration may have hundreds or thousands of
> grabs per window).
> To sum it up:  At the moment I've no idea how this can be fixed.
> Ciao
> Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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