"Nils Lohner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Which XPM lib do people use for fvwm?  I've tried xpm3.4k (I think 
> that's the latest I have) but it doesn't compile easily.  imlib doesn't 
> seem to do xpm; anyone have a URL for an XPM lib that works well witl 
> fvwm?

Solaris right?

I'm using xpm3.4j, but I just compiled 3.4k using the Makefile.noX
proceedure and Suns compiler without a hitch.  (I just built the
static library.)

In the past I've built the shared library, thats what I normally use.
I think I followed the xmkmf procedure but did the make install step
by hand, by looking at what the Makefile wanted to do and doing it

Dan Espen
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