I do not think the use of the SizeWindow was correct, it causes problem
when you create the static gc in parse_colorset. If you take a look
at the code the SizeWindow is created after the config file is read.

Sorry, that was my fault. My fvwmrc defines the colorsets as part of the start function so I couldn't see the problem.

Also, since a long times it is the  Scr.NoFocusWin which is used for
loading FvwmPicture, so I used the Scr.NoFocusWin (which is created
as soon as possible with the good parameters) and I saw no more
FvwmErrorHandler error ... so I think the change is good :o)

Me too. Does this mean the mono gc in colorsets.c isn't needed? If not it could use Scr.MonoGC.

Is there anyone out there with a monochrome monitor that can test it?


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