On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:20:42AM -0500, Paul D. Smith wrote:
> %% Dominik Vogt <fvwm-workers@fvwm.org> writes:
>   dv>  5) Determining a way how the license can cooexist with the GPL is
>   dv>     a very delicate matter.  It will take time to write down a
>   dv>     water-proof license.
> Unfortunately(?) the GPL is extremely robust in the face of such things.
> Any license which adds _any_ restriction beyond what is required by the
> GPL is not compatible with the GPL, and cannot be combined with code
> licensed under it.
> As I mentioned before, even the BSD advertising clause, which _was_
> perfectly acceptable to both Debian and the OSS, was not compatible with
> the GPL.
> There is absolutely no possible way a license with clauses such as the
> ones you described previously can coexist with GPL'd code, no matter how
> carefully crafted or how much time is spent on it.
> The exact same freedoms that we depend on to keep our code free from
> proprietary use are the ones which prevent you from restricting its use
> by the entities you mention--as is so often the case, sharp tools cut
> both ways.

Well, maybe there is.  The GPL covers only the right to
distribute, modify and copy the software:

  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
  covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
  running the Program is not restricted, ...

Strictly speaking, the GPL forgets to grant anybody the right of
using the software.  So, as long as I do not care about whether
the source code or binaries are copied, modified or distributed, I
think I can still restrict running it.

>   dv>  6) In case I can not find a license I currently see the only the
>   dv>     option to completely cease contributing to the open source
>   dv>     community.
> That would be a great shame, to be sure.  I sincerely hope it doesn't
> come to that.

I do not want this either.  It would have almost the same effect,
except that nobody would notice.

> Peace.



Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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