[Taken off-list]

As an American, I must say that I am extremely ashamed of GWB's
inability to listen to reason from respected leaders of other
countries--as well as people in his own cabinet--as well as the
countless numbers of people that have been, and still are, protesting
this insane and irresponsible drive toward an unnecessary war.

That being said, I'm afraid that your protest, although being made for
morally impeccable reasons, will be less effective then any of the
other protests that have taken place in the last year or so, since it
will have very little visibility to the general public, who don't know
window managers from store managers.

Your decision, if you decide to go through with it, will be very
unfortunate for the future of FVWM, which is nearing its celebration
of the anniversary of its birth, as it causes doubts about whether
people will even be able to use the program.

I am not a lawyer, and I will leave it to people with more experience
working with the GPL to figure out how your currently stated
decision(s) will affect future versions of FVWM.  I have seen some of
the responses to your message, and it seems that there may be some
basic incompatibilities with the GPL and your desires.  It is because
of any possible damage to FVWM that I would urge you to possibly
rechannel your protest to a means that would be more effective in the
long run.

Again, I must tell you that I truly understand how upset you are about
my country's current actions in the Middle East.  It is my hope that
the war will be quick, and that as many people as possible emerge from
it safely.  I know that my hope is shared by many people around the
world, including people within my own country.

Larry Gensch                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nashua Languages and Tools Lab (NLTL)      Hewlett-Packard Company, Nashua, NH
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