On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 06:00:06PM +0200, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:
> On Thu, 22 May 2008, Chris G wrote:
>> I rarely (but very occasionally) would like to drag a window from one 
>> place to another.
> Personally I like the little pager in the corner to swap pages/desktops, 
> and occasionally to drag windows. I hate KDE-type control panels, so I have 
> just the pager and a clock, and do all the rest via root menus.
Just about what I have, plus gnome-panel for the things I can't
remember, hence the recent thread about getting gnome/KDE apps into
the fvwm menus.

> In general when I need to move a window from a page/desk to another, I end 
> up as follows : use the window menu to make it sticky, change page/desk and 
> make it unsticky. Or leave it sticky if I need to go to and fro many times.
Can't you just drag and drop it with button 2?

> I guess the good of fvmw is that allows many different working styles to be 
> achieved easily and in a light way.

Chris Green

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