2009/10/30 Gregg Tomas <java_gr...@yahoo.com>:
> To Whom It May Concern:

Heh -- I bet this is a question in a corporate environment,

> We are transitioning to Red Hat EL5 from RHEL 4. We are currently using fvwm
> version fvwm-2.4.19-0.i386 on RHEL4. When we tried to install it on our
> RHEL5 box it was referring to a library called /usr/lib/libreadline.so.4. I
> did search in our /usr/lib directory and found that we have
> libreadline.so.5. We want to use an upgraded stable version of fvwm which
> references our /usr/lib/libreadline.so.5, which stable version of fvwm do we
> use?

How are you doing this?  It reads as though you're installing the
version of FVWM from RHEL4 on your new and shiny and no doubt
wonderful RHEL5.  If that's the case, then it won't work as most
distros deprecated libreadline4 a long time ago -- indeed, FVWM here
at upstream looks for libreadline5.

FVWM 2.4.20 is the version of FVWM you'd want, and even then I'd still
suggest FVWM 2.5.28 -- "unstable" is quite stable in this regard.
ISTR that the SPEC files which we distribute as part of FVWM (which
would have been updated as part of FVWM 2.5.X) were updated "recently"
-- i.e., within the last year.  Perhaps you'd have better luck trying
to compile FVWM yourself?

-- Thomas Adam

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