[ Adding fvwm@ back on the Cc list -- I don't do private FVWM consultancy. ]

2009/10/30 Gregg Tomas <java_gr...@yahoo.com>:
> Thank you Thomas for replying. Promptly I might add! :-)
> Please be patient, I am a newbie myself. A few colleagues and now you had
> suggested to recompile FVWM myself because I will better luck. Why?  If I
> have downloaded the fvwm-2.5.27-1.i386.rpm already, couldn't I just run it
> installed as is?

Assuming the dependencies match and you don't enter into dependency
hell, yes you could.  And I stress the *dependency hell* part clearly
since that's likely with DeadHat, where God knows what dependencies
this package might have.

Note though what I told you originally:  FVWM 2.5.28 was the last
unstable release, which you'd benefit from, above and beyond what's in
2.5.27, obviously.  Again, why not compile that yourself?  Using "make
rpm-dist" might help you here.

-- Thomas Adam

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