On 02/08/2010 10:08 PM, Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 09:11:51PM +0100, Nathan H?sken wrote:
>> On 02/08/2010 09:02 PM, Thomas Adam wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 08:53:25PM +0100, Nathan H?sken wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am using fvwm for not to much time, and I like it very much. Thanks
>>>> for the great work!
>>>> What is nagging me: besides urxvt and gvim, every application is shown
>>>> with the standard rotatet square icon.
>>>> How can I change it?
>>> I think you want:
>>> *FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons Always
>>> ... and note theat unless the application defines for itself an icon, you'll
>>> want to set a style on the application to define the miniicon.
>>> -- Thomas Adam
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the fast reply.
>> *FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons Always
>> did not help, its still almost always the not-so-nice rotated square.
>> Maybe the applications do not define themeselfs the icons ...
>> What could be the reoson, that applications like chromium, firefox,
>> thunderbird do not define their icons?
> They're under no obligation to.  Welcome to defining your own icon styles.

OK, I can redefine the icon for those applications.
The Problem I have with that is: I can do this now. But I at some moment
I would like to end up with an fvwm config, that is completly fine. But
if I then install a new application, I have to define a new icon ...

I understand, firefox and co. have no obligation to define their icon.
But it still amazes me, that they do not.

Under other wms (or better under xfce i.E.) these apps have icons. Well,
since they are pretty standard, it could of course be that xfce defines
the icons for them. But midori is not so much a standard program and has
a icon und xfce. How could xfce find the icon for midori and can I maybe
"copy" that way?

I am also wondering: Can you confirm that firefox,thinderbird,pidgin and
chromium do not define an Icon? Otherwise something might be wrong with
my installation ...


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