On 02/09/2010 07:33 PM, Elliot S wrote:
> You can shrink the window and then regrow it.
> AddToFunc Tile
> +     I Resize 0 0
> +     I Maximize grow grow
> +     I Max2Size $[w.width] $[w.height] $[w.x] $[w.y]
> AddToFunc Max2Size
> +     I ResizeMove $0p $1p $2p $3p
> +     I Resize br w-10p w-27p  # account for borders and title

Thanks! Cool Idea!
But it only works if the current window overlaps to the right, not if it
overlaps to the left.

Some sort of function that shrinks until no overlap would be cool.

Can I find out if the window overlaps to the left and if yes move it by
the needed amount?


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