Hans Voss wrote on Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 01:41:18PM +0100: 
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 23:51, Martin Cracauer <craca...@cons.org> wrote:
> >
> > If Xorg removes classic dual-head support then the party of having a
> > movie on the right screen and switchable desktop on the left is over,
> > as is the party of having a bunch of monitoring on the right screen
> > and switching development desktops on the left.
> >
> > Unless this feature comes along.
> You could still make the work if you make all the windows on one of
> the screens visible on all screens.
> Then a screen change would change screens on both physical displays
> but on one of those displays the picture shown would remain the same
> (because all those windows are sticky).

Yes, it would work reasonably well in the situation where I watch a
movie on the non-work screen.  Make xine sticky, be free to switch the
left desktops with the work areas.

It doesn't work well at all for a work situation where the non-hacking
screen is filling with what I call 'chat-n-monitor', which is IRC and
IM clients and various machine monitoring.  The latter is comprised to
a good part of xterms, which are not easily distinguishable from
"work" xterms and hence have to be made sticky by hand.

Also, none of this solves the problem that from time to time I
actually do switch the non-work screen.  Namely to use the GIMP on a
different virtual desktop (that screen is color-calibrated, not to
mention bigger).

Martin Cracauer <craca...@cons.org>   http://www.cons.org/cracauer/
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