On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 14:45, Martin Cracauer <craca...@cons.org> wrote:
> Yes, it would work reasonably well in the situation where I watch a
> movie on the non-work screen.  Make xine sticky, be free to switch the
> left desktops with the work areas.
> It doesn't work well at all for a work situation where the non-hacking
> screen is filling with what I call 'chat-n-monitor', which is IRC and
> IM clients and various machine monitoring.  The latter is comprised to
> a good part of xterms, which are not easily distinguishable from
> "work" xterms and hence have to be made sticky by hand.
You can actually assign a class name to an xterm making them

> Also, none of this solves the problem that from time to time I
> actually do switch the non-work screen.  Namely to use the GIMP on a
> different virtual desktop (that screen is color-calibrated, not to
> mention bigger).
> Martin
> --
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Martin Cracauer <craca...@cons.org>   http://www.cons.org/cracauer/
> FreeBSD - where you want to go, today.      http://www.freebsd.org/

Met vriendelijke groeten / With kind regards
Hans Voss
* Infrastructure Architect
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