On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

I am noting a funny (and sort of annoying behaviour) when using firefox and acrobat reader in a fvmw session under suse 11.3 (newly installed).

Apparently also openoffice is showing the same behaviour.

The topmost menu bar (File Edit ...) has white text onto black background, The remaining menu bars and widget are normal (black on light grey).

For firefox there is a partial workaround. I always hated "themes" but I found a sort of lightweight themes called "personas". If one goes to the site where one can load them, one can also test them. They appear to replace the menu bar and other bars with some pictured background. My workaround was to choose a "persona" called "simple fox" (useless to say, no picture, just solid gray :-)).

This makes me think that all those applications are NOT using a specific fg/bg colour for the top menu bar, but leaving it somehow transparent letting some w.m. default shining through. I suppose in KDE what shines through is determined by the default KDE theme ... how could I set a similar "super-default" in fvwm ? a plain *background: and *foreground: in .Xdefaults is no good.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
Italian Research at risk.                La Ricerca italiana a rischio !
see http://sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/WWW/Opinions/nobrain.html cfr.

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