On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 06:05:52PM -0700, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
> > 
> > Hm.
> > I remember when I did it last time that it was a loooonnnnggggg
> > odyssey finding out which libraries were needed, finding
> > the libraries, finding other libraries from which the libraries
> > depend and so on. For newbies, this was definitely not an
> > acceptable way. The reason why I write and publish my own howtos
> > is exactly this: The experts throw one-liners like
> > "./configure --prefix=/usr && make deb-inplace" around and say
> > how easy all is, and then you sit there and nothing works,
> > because the experts forgot to say that there are concepts
> > like "dependencies".
> > 
> > Thank you for your hint. I will test this line next time:
> > ./configure --prefix=/usr && make deb-inplace
> > 
> > But even if this one line will work, I will have to document
> > it, because some kind of knowledge is not easy to find
> > in the Internet.

> as for using 'make deb-inplace', it makes a .deb file just fine and it
> should install on your system (Works here for me on debian sid). This is
> old and outdated and a newer debian/ dir should be used to be more in line
> with the newer debian specification and I belive thomas did some work on
> this and has a newer debian/ on his git server, though I never have gotten
> around to trying it to compile a debian package.

It's here:


Which removes the blasted debian/ directory we ship, pulls in Manoj's one,
and mangles the Changelog file for it, etc.  It's not brilliant, but it's a

That way, we can still keep zealots of this debian/ directory happy, without
us shipping our own, something Debian discourages, and I agree with.  The
sooner this debian/ directory goes, the better.

The same likely holds true for the rpm/ directory, but I don't use any Linux
distributions which use such an arcane packaging system.  :P

-- Thomas Adam

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