On 9 July 2012 19:07, Oleksandr Gavenko <gaven...@gmail.com> wrote:
> around 2008 introduce to me usage of:
>   SetVar VAR VAL
> for anything. But this is bad practice as noticed by Thomas Adam at:
>   http://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org/IRC/HashFvwm/
> And this is highly harmonised with Thomas replay:
>> Not that I'm forcing you, Michael, but these "go it alone" sorts of
>> documents are utterly harmful to projects like this, where one-time "wow, I
>> did it!" documents which are written once, and then never run again

No.  That's been completely taken out of context, and that's
dangerous.  Do NOT mince my reply to fit your own concept.  That
paragraph above, attributed to me, was about having disparate howtos,
and what have you, where the original documentation -- the man page --
should just be updated instead.  It has NOTHING to do with your own
bee-in-the-bonnet problem of SetEnv.

> I think official up‐to‐date tutorial is good thing for Fvwm.
> It allow preserve time in configuration for end user and allow spread best
> practices...
> With this none will want any books...

Excellent.  When are you planning to write this?

-- Thomas Adam

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