Oleg Tyurin wrote (Thu, Jan 03, 2019 at 12:19:53AM +0400):
> Hi. Please help me understand how to configure application appearance 
> properly.
> After fresh install of FVWM2 I had an appearance according to screenshot1. 
> Next, probably after install of something an appearance had 
> been changed according to screenshot2.
> How can I configure this appearance back to screenshot1?
> I use Fedora 25, FVWM2 without Gnome3.
> I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

Your icon theme seems to have changed / been updated. This is almost certainly 
a Gnome / GTK thing, not related to fvwm (as other people have already pointed 

Random guess: your file-manager used gtk2 themes earlier, and uses gtk3 themes 

Non-fvwm related content:

I haven't used Fedora in a very long time, but once upon a time, rpm -qa --last 
would give you a list of packages in most-recently-installed/updated-first 
order. That should give you some hint about what might have changed. 

If you think it might be useful, we could discuss this off-list.


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