Sorry for the tardy reply and for being away from email for the past
few days.

In message <icy32m9ivm....@home.home>, 
Dan Espen <> wrote:

>Style *Firefox  EWMHDontDonateIcon, Iconoverride, Icon myfork.xpm
>Worked for me (with my icon).

Yessss!  Thank you.   That seems to have worked for me too.

>Not sure if the EMWH thing is required, I used to use just Iconoverride.
>Not sure the * is required for Firefox, that was just my first test that

I am not going to argue with success.

>When testing this stuff, it's easier to use FvwmCommand.
>Just type in a terminal:
>FvwmCommand 'Style *Firefox  EWMHDontDonateIcon, Iconoverride, Icon myfork.xpm'

Hummm... I tried that and that didn't work.  I got the following
error message (which I don't have the first clue about):

    No such file or directory FvwmCommand error in opening message fifo

No matter.  I have gotten the Firefox icon I wanted, so I'm pretty
overjoyed.  Now if I can just get fvwm to use my choice for an XTerm
icon and then install my digital xclock I'll die a happy man.

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