On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 11:21:57AM +0200, Lars Segerlund wrote:
>   I have looked a bit, but I cant find out if fvwm supports 'drag
>  & drop' to the 'desktop'/'root window'. I have looked at the spec
>  from opendesktop.org and stuff, and there seem's to be somewhat of a
>  standard for stuff like this. So does anybody know if thee is a way
>  of making fvwm do this ? ( if not, would it be a worthwhile addition
>  ? It doesn't seem that complicated fvwm already manages icons &
>  windows and stuff .. ).

And I should hope not.  Fvwm is a window manager, not a desktop
environment.  If you want to be able to drag and drop (which implies the
use of some file manager to do it) see "rox" [1].  That uses a
'pinboard' on the root-window which allows you to drop things to it.
The program 'dfm' also allows for this.

-- Thomas Adam

[1]  http://rox.sf.net

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