On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 07:11:26PM +0200, Fernando Poza Saura wrote:
> I've taking a look to this "rox" thing, and it looks nice it you want
> drag&drop capabilities. Does anyone have experience in having rox
> working in fvwm?, is it going to brake something if fvwm?

Yes, I do.  Depending on how you start fvwm, if your method (typically
via startx, xdm) uses ~/.xsession, I used to have the line:

rox -p mypinboard &

"mypinboard" is just a name of a pinboard -- you can define as many as
you like.

Or, if that's not an option, add a line to your StartFunction:

+ I Exec exec rox -p mypinboard

Then you can start dragging stuff around.  One thing I did not mention
to you before, was the fact that there is also an Fvwm module called
'FvwmDragWell' which can provide XDnD support, if you so wish.  Haven't
used it in ages, though.

-- Thomas Adam

"One of us is a cigar stand, and one of us is a lovely blue incandescent
guillotine" -- Stephen Malkmus, "Type Slowly" from "Brighten The Corners"
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