I think that the best way to have that happen would be for someone to
make a nice default theme.  I think redhat used to include fvwm AND it
was the default, but the theme that it came with was so terrible that
everyone assume that's what fvwm had to look like.


On 3/13/07, Dedeco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I know anyone can install FVWM if they want, but it seems like it is
not shipped with many popular distros. In many places I use computers
(linux), I have the option to choose wich WM I can use, but
unfortunatelly the only distro I had it was SuSE.

  Is there any effort being made to convince the people responsible for
arranging the linux distributions to include FVWM as an option of a
window manager?? I think it would not be too difficult, since FVWM
instalation requires less than 3 MB and is good, and has been here for
much time.

   Kind regards.

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