On Wed, 4 Apr 2007 09:53:24 +0100
Chris G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any way to label windows in the FvwmPager?

This is implied by _NOT_ setting:

*FvwmPager: SmallFont none

And (possibly):

*FvwmPager: WindowLabelFormat

In the case of the former option, you can just omit it -- the point of
it is that you can specify the font for the window label, or set it to
None if you didn't want any labels.

> Or should I change to multiple desktops with one window each?

That's Non-sequitur to your first question.  

> I currently have a single desktop with eight windows at work (having
> just moved from Sun CDE to Linux with fvwm2) and I'm finding there's
> just a little too much for me to remember what's where.

The choice is yours.  Many people find having one Desk with X pages
useful.  Others like having one page per desk, for managing windows more
efficiently in terms of sorting, etc.

> What are the trade-offs advantages of multiple windows on a single
> desktop as opposed to multiple desktops?

Depends how you work.

-- Thomas Adam

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