On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 11:20:34AM -0400, Shriver, Daniel wrote:
> > Style window_at_bottom SloppyFocus, GrabFocus
> > Style window_at_top NeverFocus, PositionPlacement x y
> > You might have to sort the ordering out yourself as to when/where these 
> > windows are mapped,
> > and in what order.  I've given you an example of PositionPlacement, so
> I've tried what you gave above (except with no ", PositionPlacement x y"
> on the second line), and with the two lines in reversed order (possibly a
> misinterpretation of your "sort out the ordering" comment given below),
> again with no PositionPlacement.  Neither seem to give the results I'm
> after.  I'm confused about "PositionPlacement", I thought that just puts
> the GUI widget on a given spot on the virtual desktop, not sure why it
> would help.  The tiny widget (which we never want to have keyboard focus)

Right -- I thought you said this top window was alwas over the bottom window
which is to have the focus?  If that's not the case, then put it wherever
you like, but you'll come back to your original "problem" of needing to
focus the bottom window before allowing the pointer to move into the top
window which has NeverFocus set.  I see now why you had "Focus NoWarp".

Style bottom_window InitialMapCommand Focus NoWarp, StartsOnPage x y, \

... should help you here with that.

But I am still not sure what effect it is you're after from that point on.
Is it the case that this top window which has NeverFocus set on it is always
responsible for providing focus to the bottom window?  If it is, and by the
simple fact of the pointer being in that window should ensure that, then you
can always do something like this:

DestroyModuleConfig FE-PW:*
*FE-PW: enter_window SomeFunc

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent FE-PW

DestroyFunc SomeFunc
AddToFunc   SomeFunc
+ I PointerWindow (top_level_window_class_name) \
    Next (my_bottom_win_name, AcceptsFocus, !Focused, CirculateHit) Focus NoWarp

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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