I use fvwm 2.5.26 and 
I try to put fvwmbuttons in the bottom and in the middle of my screen
in a calculated way.
I tried this:
PipeRead "echo *FvwmButtons: Geometry +$$(($[vp.width]/2-$[w.width]/2))

and this (as explained in the FAQ (7.14)):
DestroyFunc PlaceWindow
AddToFunc PlaceWindow
+ I ThisWindow Piperead "echo Move +$(( $[vp.width]/2-$[w.width]/2 ))p 
+$(( $[vp.height]/2-$[w.height] ))p"

DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmButtons
+ I Next (FvwmButtons) PlaceWindow

but none ot these methods worked
Could you tell me how to do this please?


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