
On 2012-03-18 21:29:14+0000,
Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 04:40:14PM +0100, Mathieu Bonnet
> wrote:
> > Style Root NeverFocus?
> You can't focus the root window.  Do you mean "MouseFocus"?

Oops sorry, dunno what I was thinking. I meant on the contrary
some sort of pseudo-focus for the root window... I want to be
able to unfocus windows by clicking on the root window, for
example to avoid any keyboard input in program windows...

If not a precise option (and I understand it should be an
option, so we can have other mouse shortcuts on the root window
without removing the focus from the currently focused window),
the possibility to use something like:

Mouse 1 R A Focus

Currently, it apparently changes to a mode to select a window to
focus, probably a generic behavior when using window commands
without clicking an actual program window (the focused window
does not receive keyboard input anymore, the cursor changes to a
cross, clicking a program window gives it focus, or clicking on
root window again simply get us back to the beginning, with the
focus on the window which had focus before clicking the root
window, so it's only half the solution).

This while using ClickToFocus. I don't want to use MouseFocus
(not even just on the root window if it was possible).

> > In FvwmButtons manual of FVWM 2.6.4:
> > 
> > *FvwmButtons: Colorset colorset
> >     Tells the module to use colorset colorset for the window
> > background. Refer to the FvwmTheme man page for details
> > about colorsets. 
> How is this unclear?  I don't like the reference to
> FvwmTheme, but...

I was saying, and I quoted it, that the manual present this
option as only setting the background style (well,
technically, it does not say "only", but it's obviously
confusing), meaning we would have to use the "Fore" option to
set the foreground style, defeating the centralization purpose
of the "Colorset" option.

You replied the "Colorset" option does work for both the
background and foreground (technically you didn't, but I
suppose that's was you meant), and I replied by quoting the
manual. If it does work, then the mention to the background, in
the quoted passage, should be removed, or, for even more
clarity, it should enumerate everything it applies to, that is,
in this case, background and foreground styles.


Mathieu Bonnet <math...@kawagama.net>

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