On 26/08/13 22:03, Thomas Adam wrote:

> SkipMapping has nothing to do with switching focus
> after the window has been mapped.

But the FVWM manpage describes SkipMapping like this:

> SkipMapping tells fvwm not to switch to the desk the
> window is on when it gets mapped initially (useful
> with StartsOnDesk or StartsOnPage).

You suggested I use this ...

> DestroyFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
> AddToFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
> + I nop

And it works! With the SkipMapping style plus the Nop EWMH function, no
windows that I've tested will switch the desktop. Not even Firefox tabs.
But if I try to remove the SkipMapping style, then all new windows once
again switch the desktop. So the SkipMapping style has to stay.

So yes, I have a solution :-) Thanks for your help.

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